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Welcome to my code snippet archive

Welcome to my new blog, here you will find random blog posts on various sample codes to get you up and running with your software development work. Sometimes we might not remember how to do certain things i.e. saving an image into a database or converting a date object into a string. This blog will serve as a resource for small helpful code snippets as well as an archive for trivial coding snippets which are hard to remember.


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As the trends shift towards data science and big data, machine learning there’s has never been a more lucrative time to start learning python and Django. Building your first Django app in minutes course takes an in-depth look at Django for web development with python. The course is tailored for both beginners, experts, to be founders.  Why not start today learning so you can land yourself the next dream job, build your MVP fast, get that work, and school project done fast. Coding doesn’t have to be mystic, it’s actually more familiar than you think.   Checkout this awesome  75% limited time discount